How To Order
Step 1: Visit or and log in or create an online account.
Step 2: Browse available products and product categories on the site.
When you find an item you would like to purchase, select “Add to Cart”.
Step 3: When you have completed your shop, click on your cart icon in the top right corner of your screen and select “Checkout”.
Step 4: You will then be prompted to select if you would like to place an order for Pickup or Delivery and provide the necessary location (Delivery Address or Preferred Pickup Date and Time),
(Note – if you do not meet the minimum purchase requirement for pickup or delivery, you will receive a pop-up indicating that you are below the minimum order value and will need to add additional items to your cart.)
Step 5: You will view your order summary where you will confirm your Order Information and Delivery/Pickup Time & Address. If this is your first order, you will also need to provide Payment Information – returning customers can store their payment information and will just need to confirm for future purchases.
On this page, you can also provide Promo Codes and Gift Cards, and instructions for delivery orders .